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Automate GitHub Event Notifications to Slack
Automate GitHub notifications to Slack. Streamline updates, select specific events, and improve team communication effortlessly.
Automate GitHub notifications to Slack. Streamline updates, select specific events, and improve team communication effortlessly.
Who is this workflow for? Automate the monitoring of GitHub repository star and unstar events, and receive instant notifications in Slack. This workflow ensures you stay updated on your repository’s popularity and user engagement without manual tracking..
This workflow seamlessly integrates GitHub and Slack to provide timely notifications on star and unstar events. By automating these updates, you enhance team awareness and streamline the tracking of repository engagement.
Discover insights by transcribing calls using AssemblyAI and generating OpenAI insights with this efficient n8n workflow template.
Automate RSS feed reading to streamline updates with n8n. Features include seamless integration and real-time data retrieval for efficient content management.
Enhance your site with an AI chatbot, streamline interactions, and integrate seamlessly using Supabase and OpenAI.
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